Accord (coalition)

The Accord Coalition is a campaign coalition, launched in 2008[1][2], which brings together a wide range of member organisations, both religious and non-religious, that are concerned that legislation around admissions, employment and the curriculum in state funded faith schools in England and Wales can serve to undermine community cohesion and not adequately prepare children for adult life in an increasingly diverse society.

Aims and objectives

Accord does not take a position on the principle of faith schools, but wants all state funded schools to be open and suitable to all children of every background, regardless of their parents’ or their own beliefs, as well as for classrooms to be as diverse as the local area from which schools draw their pupils. Accord believes mutual understanding will best grow through such a shared civic life, and considers mutual understanding as vital to the future wellbeing and happiness of society.

Accord is concerned that rather than acting to foster improved cohesiveness, through legislative freedoms, some schools can instead help to create environments where mistrust between groups can more readily grow, such as through providing a narrow curriculum about the beliefs of others, and by segregating children and teachers on the grounds of religion.

Accord has four key campaign objectives:

• To prevent discrimination on the basis of religion and belief in pupil admissions and in recruitment and employment of staff in schools

• To ensure that schools follow an objective and balanced syllabus for education about religious and non-religious beliefs to ensure that children grow up with an understanding of the main religion and belief traditions in society

• To replace the widely flouted laws that demand all state schools provide daily Collective Worship, with requirements to provide inclusive assemblies that focus on shared values

• That RE, Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and Citizenship are brought under a single inspection regime to help ensure they are thorough, broad and balanced

Accord maintains a databank of information[3], which brings together and summarises research about the policy implications of state funded faith schools and their practices. It also runs an annual award[4] to celebrate those schools that do most to promote mutual understanding and improved community cohesion.

Members and supporters

Accord was founded by organisations including the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, the British Humanist Association, Ekklesia[5], the Hindu Academy[6] and the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement. It also includes among its list of member groups the British Muslims for Secular Democracy, The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and the race equality think tank The Runnymede Trust.

The Chair of the Accord Coalition is Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE, the minister of Maidenhead Synagogue. Its supporters include academics, clergy, theologians and politicians from the four largest groupings in parliament[7].

Notes and references

  1. ^ Testing Faith', 'Guardian editorial, 2 September 2008
  2. ^ Religious Rights and Wrongs, The Economist, 4 September 2008
  3. ^ [1]
  4. ^ [2]
  5. ^ Accord coalition encourages MPs to back inclusive schooling, Ekklesia website, 29 Jan 2009 [3]
  6. ^ [4]
  7. ^ Accord website